Dahlia coccinea var palmeri (Seeds)

Order Code: 777-004

Despatched Anytime

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Plants can reach a height of up to 7 feet (215cm) tall and 6 feet (180cm) wide, but with characteristic frothy, dissected foliage is not heavy.  Vibrant single flowers in rich orange all through the late summer and autumn. Will grow in the open ground, mulched but not otherwise protected and surviving here to -15ºc in past winters. Very young plants do not show up the dissected leaf but develop this as they mature.

Planting Instructions

Sow the seed in moist seed compost and cover with a thin layer of compost and germinate in warm conditions in spring, and when big enough to handle, prick out the seedlings into individual pots  and  grow on in warm conditions. Harden off before planting into the garden. Dahlias like a rich fertile soil. These can flower in their first season. 

Plant Details

Flowers  Summer

Height     to 7' (215cm) 

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